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How Quora gained 300 Million monthly active users?

(and also became the world's most popular QnA site)

Read Time: 15 min | Active Subs: 31,188

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👉🏻 6 trends that will define product management in 2023 (Link)

👉🏻 8 Ways to Monetize Your Product & Boost Your Bottom Line (Link).

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See how Quora became a Millionaire Answering the Public!

Today’s post is dedicated to one of our readers! We love it when you make special requests, so keep them coming 🥳 !!

Today, we're taking a deep dive into the extraordinary journey of Quora – the brainchild that not only answered questions but reshaped how the world sought and shared knowledge. From its humble beginnings to becoming a digital oracle of information, join us as we unravel the fascinating tale of how Quora was crafted and conquered the realm of online Q&A.

Let’s begin!

Seth Meyers Question GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Gif by latenightseth on Giphy

Quora’s Creation Story 📖

The genesis of Quora traces back to June 2009 when the collaborative vision of Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever began to take shape. The duo harbored a profound ambition: to construct a digital space where individuals could seamlessly share their knowledge and expertise through the medium of questions and answers.

After a year of meticulous development, the platform made its grand entrance into the public sphere in June 2010. D'Angelo and Cheever set out not just to create another Q&A platform but to establish a community-driven haven for the exchange of high-quality and reliable information.

The founders envisioned Quora as more than a repository of answers; it was conceived as a dynamic space where users, armed with their expertise and insights, could engage in meaningful conversations.

The emphasis on quality and reliability quickly set it apart in the digital landscape, attracting a diverse community of contributors spanning various fields and disciplines.

As users began to explore and contribute, Quora evolved into a knowledge ecosystem, fostering discussions, debates, and the exchange of insights on an unprecedented scale.

Problems Identified in the then Market ⚠️

The founders identified certain issues with the existing solutions in the market like Ask.com and Answers.com. Below are some of the major ones:

  1. Quality of Information:

    One of the primary issues plaguing existing Q&A platforms was the pervasive lack of reliable and high-quality information. Spam, inaccuracies, and low-quality responses were rampant, eroding the trust users placed in these platforms. D'Angelo and Cheever recognized the critical need for a space where users could access trustworthy information and insights from credible sources.

  2. Searchability:

    Navigating through the sea of information on traditional Q&A platforms posed a significant challenge. Poor search functionality and inadequate categorization made it difficult for users to find relevant answers to their specific queries. Quora's founders envisioned a solution that prioritized effective search capabilities, allowing users to swiftly discover pertinent information within the vast repository of knowledge the platform aimed to become.

  3. User Experience:

    The founders observed that many existing Q&A platforms suffered from clunky interfaces and cumbersome user experiences. These design flaws hindered user engagement and effective contribution. D'Angelo and Cheever recognized the importance of creating an intuitive and user-friendly platform, where individuals could seamlessly navigate, contribute, and participate in meaningful conversations. Quora was envisioned as a space where the user experience was as enriching as the content itself.

How Quora Went to Market? 🏪 

Quora initially adopted a strategy of creating exclusivity by limiting access to the platform during its early stages. It started as an invite-only platform, allowing a select group of users to join and contribute.

This exclusivity created a sense of curiosity and interest around Quora, attracting influential individuals, experts, and thought leaders to join the platform. It helped in building a strong foundation of high-quality content and attracting initial user engagement.

As the platform grew, it gradually opened up to the public, allowing anyone to sign up and participate. They also focused on building integrations and partnerships to expand their reach.

For example, they integrated with Facebook and Twitter, enabling users to share Quora content on these platforms. This integration helped drive user growth and increase the visibility of Quora's content.

Watch this amazing and informative video on what Quora’s business model looks like!

Quora’s Revenue Model: History to Date 💰️

Quora has always experimented with its revenue derivation stream. Here’s how they kept shifting and still do to keep things smooth.

Early Days (2009-2015)

Quora in 2012, Credits: eduardoarea.blogspot.com

When the company was founded in 2009, it focused on creating a community of knowledge-sharing and did not have a clear revenue model. The company initially relied on venture capital funding to support its operations.

In its early years, Quora experimented with different monetization strategies, such as charging for premium features and selling access to its data. However, these experiments were not successful, and Quora remained unprofitable.

Shift to Advertising (2016-Present)

In 2016, Quora made a significant shift in its business strategy by introducing advertising. The company began displaying ads to users, primarily in the form of native ads that blended seamlessly with the platform's content. This move proved to be successful, and advertising quickly became Quora's primary source of revenue.

Quora's advertising strategy is based on targeting relevant ads to its highly engaged user base. The company uses a variety of data points, such as user demographics, interests, and browsing behavior, to determine which ads to display to each user. This approach allows Quora to deliver ads that are more likely to be clicked on and seen by the right audience.

Diversifying Revenue Streams (2018-Present)

In recent years, Quora has begun to diversify its revenue streams beyond advertising. In 2018, the company launched Quora Plus, a premium subscription service that provides users with an ad-free experience and other exclusive features like premium access to Poe, a one-stop destination for all AI chatbot interaction and chatbot service itself - designed and developed by Quora. Quora Plus has been a modest success, but it has helped to reduce Quora's reliance on advertising revenue.

Quora has also explored other potential revenue streams, such as e-commerce and data licensing. However, these efforts have not yet yielded significant results.

Current Revenue Model

Today, Quora's revenue model is primarily based on advertising, with Quora Plus and other emerging revenue streams playing a smaller role. The company generates revenue from a variety of advertising formats, including native ads, display ads, and sponsored content.

Quora is also exploring new ways to leverage its data to generate revenue, such as by selling insights to businesses and organizations.

Quora’s Product Lifecycle - Strategies, Objectives & Challenges 🧬 

Quora's product lifecycle has undergone various stages of development, growth, and maturation. Let's delve into each phase, including the strategies used, objectives set and achieved, and the challenges faced by the company!

1. Inception and Development

During this phase, the founders, Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever, envisioned a platform that would enable people to share knowledge through questions and answers.

Key objectives in this phase:

  • Designing an intuitive user interface: Quora focused on creating a user-friendly design that would encourage engagement and ease of navigation.

  • Developing robust search functionality: The platform aimed to provide an effective search feature to help users find relevant questions and answers quickly.

  • Implementing quality control mechanisms: To address the problem of low-quality content, Quora implemented moderation systems to maintain the platform's integrity and reliability.

Challenges faced in this phase:

  • Building a critical mass of content and user base: Attracting users and generating a sufficient volume of high-quality content were initial challenges for the platform. They overcame this by employing a selective invite-only strategy to ensure the presence of influential users and experts, which helped in building a solid foundation of quality content.

2. Private Beta and Testing

Quora entered a private beta phase where a limited number of users were invited to join and contribute.

Key objectives in this phase:

  • Gathering user feedback and testing scalability: Quora sought feedback from early users to identify pain points, improve the platform's functionality, and test its scalability.

  • Refining the user experience: It aimed to enhance the user experience by addressing usability issues and iterating on the design based on user feedback.

Challenges faced in this phase:

  • Balancing demand and scalability: Managing the growth of the user base while ensuring the platform remained stable and scalable presented challenges. The company had to invest in infrastructure and technical enhancements to accommodate increasing user activity and traffic.

3. Public Launch and Growth

Quora's public launch marked its entry into the broader user base.

Key objectives in this phase:

  • Driving user growth and engagement: Quora focused on attracting new users and encouraging active participation and contribution.

  • Expanding the platform's reach: It pursued integrations with popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to enable users to share Quora content and expand its visibility.

Challenges faced in this phase:

  • Ensuring a balance between quality and quantity: As the user base expanded, maintaining the quality of content became more challenging. The platform faced the task of addressing spam, low-quality answers, and ensuring moderation and content curation remained effective.

  • Managing user expectations: With an increasing user base, it became essential to manage user expectations, address concerns, and maintain a positive user experience.

4. Monetization and Revenue Generation

As Quora matured, it introduced monetization strategies to generate revenue.

Key objectives in this phase:

  • Introducing advertising options: Quora launched advertising features that allowed businesses to promote their content and target specific audiences on the platform.

  • Quora Partner Program: The platform introduced the Quora Partner Program, enabling selected users to monetize their content by sharing in the revenue generated through ads displayed on their questions and answers.

  • Quora Ads Manager: The QnA giant developed a self-serve advertising platform, Quora Ads Manager, providing businesses with tools to create and manage advertising campaigns.

Challenges faced in this phase:

  • Balancing user experience and monetization: Quora had to strike a balance between generating revenue through advertising while ensuring that the user experience remained positive, avoiding excessive intrusiveness of ads.

  • Adapting to user expectations: Introducing monetization strategies required careful communication and alignment with user expectations to maintain trust and engagement.

5. Ongoing Improvement and Iteration

Quora continuously focuses on improving its platform and addressing user feedback.

Ongoing key objectives include:

  • Introducing new features and functionality: Quora iterates on its platform, adding features to enhance the user experience, improve search capabilities, and facilitate content discovery.

  • Refining content moderation and recommendation algorithms: The platform invests in optimizing its moderation systems and algorithms to address challenges related to spam, and inappropriate content, and ensuring relevant content is recommended to users.

Challenges faced in this phase:

  • Balancing user-generated content and moderation: As user-generated content grows, ensuring effective moderation and content curation becomes increasingly complex. Quora faces the challenge of maintaining quality while allowing user contributions.

  • Addressing evolving user expectations: It must adapt to changing user expectations, evolving technology, and emerging trends to remain relevant and meet user needs effectively.

Bonus: What it Takes to Build a Product like Quora? 👷‍♀️ 

This section aims to help product managers understand what it really takes to build a robust platform like Quora. This section will mainly focus on the technicalities. It is aimed at helping PMs take inspiration and learnings and adapt those into the product you’re currently working on!

1. Conceptualization and Vision

  • Define the purpose and value proposition: Clearly articulate the purpose of the platform and how it will provide value to users. Quora, for example, aimed to create a knowledge-sharing community where users could ask questions and receive high-quality answers.

  • Identify target audience and user needs: Understand the target audience's motivations, pain points, and information-seeking behaviors to design a platform that meets their needs effectively.

2. Technical Infrastructure

  • Scalable architecture: Develop a robust and scalable technical infrastructure that can accommodate user growth, handle increased traffic, and ensure platform stability.

  • Data management: Implement efficient data management systems to handle large volumes of user-generated content, facilitate search functionality, and support personalized recommendations.

  • Security and privacy: Prioritize user data protection and implement strong security measures to safeguard user information and maintain user trust.

3. User Experience and Interface Design

  • Intuitive and engaging interface: Design a user-friendly and visually appealing interface that encourages user engagement, facilitates easy navigation, and promotes content discovery.

  • Seamless user onboarding: Create a smooth onboarding process that allows users to quickly understand how to use the platform and encourages them to start asking and answering questions.

  • Effective search and discovery: Develop robust search functionality and content categorization systems to help users find relevant questions and answers efficiently.

4. Content Moderation and Quality Control

  • Implement moderation systems: Establish mechanisms to ensure the quality and reliability of content by incorporating moderation tools, user reporting features, and community-driven moderation.

  • Addressing spam and inappropriate content: Employ techniques such as automated filters, user flagging, and manual moderation to combat spam, inappropriate content, and other forms of misuse.

5. Community Engagement and Growth

  • User acquisition and growth strategies: Devise strategies to attract early adopters, influencers, and experts to build a strong foundation of quality content and encourage user engagement.

  • Community building: Foster a sense of community by encouraging users to interact, follow topics of interest, and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Feedback mechanisms: Establish channels for users to provide feedback, suggest improvements, and report issues to ensure continuous iteration and improvement of the platform.

6. Monetization and Revenue Generation

  • Develop a revenue model: Identify opportunities for monetization, such as advertising, partnerships, or premium features, while ensuring they align with the platform's value proposition and user experience.

  • Advertiser engagement: Create advertising options that provide value to advertisers and ensure a positive user experience by carefully balancing ad placements and relevancy.

7. Continuous Improvement and Iteration

  • Agile development: Adopt an iterative development approach that allows for continuous improvement based on user feedback, market trends, and emerging technologies.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Leverage data analytics and user insights to make informed product decisions, optimize user experience, and identify areas for improvement.

  • Innovation and adaptability: Stay abreast of industry trends, user needs, and technological advancements to drive innovation and adapt the platform to evolving requirements.


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