You Know? This is How Omio Makes Money

Because it recently boosted bookings by 10%

Hey there 🖐

Imagine you are sitting in India and planning a trip to one of the European countries or any nation on any continent. As the enthusiasm for taking an international trip builds up, the stress in the planning process also piles up 🙆‍♂️

That's when the hidden entrepreneur within us says, "I wish there was an application that just simplifies the process and makes me stop juggle between sites." With the same motive, Omio entered the market 😮

But it has been facing an issue of "users abandoning their booking process," and wanted to find solutions to overcome it.

So, what did Omio do to improve its booking rate by 10%? Let's see

Top Lessons for PMs [Omio]

  • Simplify the Payment Process: Reduce complexity and enhance security to decrease abandonment rates.

  • Enhance Price Transparency: Use price prediction tools and clear fee disclosure to build trust and reduce user hesitation.

  • Optimize for Mobile: Prioritize fast load times and user-friendly design to minimize mobile abandonment.

  • Personalize User Experience: Implement tailored onboarding and recommendations to boost conversion rates, especially for new users.

  • Leverage Data-Driven Insights: Conduct A/B testing and continuous analysis to refine features and enhance the overall user journey.

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Product - Omio

Omio is an innovative travel technology platform that simplifies booking travel across various modes of transport. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Omio aims to change the travel experience by integrating different transportation options like trains, buses, and flights into a single and simple interface.

The platform is designed to meet the needs of travelers by providing complete travel itineraries, real-time schedule information, price comparisons, and booking capabilities all in one place.

Core Features of Omio

  1. Plan Your Perfect Trip: Search seamlessly across trains, buses, and flights, finding the best fit based on price, time, and comfort.

  2. Effortless Booking: Omio's user-friendly interface makes searching, comparing, and booking your trip a breeze. Filter options let you customize your search for the perfect travel experience.

  3. Explore the World: Book travel across borders with ease. Omio supports bookings in multiple countries, languages, and currencies, offering a vast network of partners worldwide.

  4. Stay Informed: Get all the travel info you need, from schedules and station locations to real-time updates on delays and disruptions. Travel with confidence.

  5. Travel on the Go: The mobile app is your pocket travel companion. Book trips, access mobile tickets, and view itineraries offline - all at your fingertips.

Specific Aspect Analyzed

In this case study, the specific aspect analyzed is the user booking journey and conversion rates across different transportation modes on the Omio platform. This aspect is critical because it directly impacts the platform's revenue and user satisfaction.

By understanding the factors that influence whether a user completes their booking or abandons the process, Omio can make informed decisions to optimize the user experience and increase conversion rates.

Focus Areas in the Analysis

  1. Optimizing the Booking Journey: Analyze user behavior to identify points where potential travelers abandon the booking process.

  2. Boosting Conversions by Mode: Compare conversion rates between transportation modes. Analyze factors impacting these rates (price, time, complexity).

  3. Understand User Segments: Segment users by travel frequency, mode preference, and device. Analyze booking behavior and decision-making factors for each segment.

  4. Smoothing Payment Flow: Assess the user experience on the payment page, focusing on ease of use, clarity, and number of fields. Analyze the impact of payment issues on abandonment.

The analysis aims to uncover actionable insights that are helping Omio improve its platform and user satisfaction and boost conversion rates.


Source: UI Sources

The Omio team faced a significant challenge: "Why do users abandon their booking process, and what can be done to reduce abandonment rates and increase conversions?"

This question is crucial because the booking process is where Omio generates revenue, and high abandonment rates can impact the business’s profitability and user satisfaction.

Context and Importance

Booking abandonment occurs when users start the booking process but do not complete it. High abandonment rates indicate that users face obstacles or barriers enough to halt their booking. Understanding these obstacles is essential for several reasons:

  • Revenue impact: Each abandoned booking represents a lost revenue opportunity.

  • User experience: Frequent abandonment can indicate poor user experience, affecting brand perception and customer loyalty.

  • Competitive advantage: Enhancing the booking process can provide a competitive edge in the travel industry.

Specific Aspects of the Challenge

  • Identifying Drop-off Points

The team needed to pinpoint where users abandoned their journey in the booking process. It involved examining each stage, from the initial search to the final payment.

  • Analyzing User Behavior

It was crucial to understand user interactions and behaviors during the booking process. This included analyzing metrics such as time spent on each page, click patterns, and navigation paths.

  • Assessing the Impact of Price Sensitivity

The team aimed to determine how changes in price, including unexpected fees or price fluctuations, affected users' decisions to complete or abandon their bookings.

  • Evaluating the Role of Complexity

Another aspect was to assess whether the complexity of choices (e.g., multiple transport options, layovers, and travel durations) contributed to user frustration and abandonment.

  • Understanding Device Differences

With many users accessing Omio via mobile devices, compare abandonment rates between mobile and desktop users and understand how device-specific issues impacted the booking experience.

  • Gathering User Feedback

The team wanted to collect and analyze qualitative data from user surveys and reviews to gain insights into perceived obstacles and user sentiments.

Questions Arised

To address the core data-driven question, the team broke it down into several specific questions:

  1. Where do users most frequently abandon the booking process?

  2. What patterns in user behavior are associated with abandonment?

  3. How does price influence abandonment?

  4. What role does the complexity of travel options play in user decisions?

  5. How do mobile and desktop experiences differ in abandonment?

  6. What feedback do users provide about their booking experience?

Answers Needed

The team used a mix of analytics to answer these questions:

  • Tracked user flow: Identified points where people abandon booking with tools like Google Analytics.

  • Analyzed user behavior: Uncovered patterns in user interactions that lead to abandonment.

  • Studied price impact: Measured how price variations affect user choices.

  • Examined complexity: Assessed if too many choices lead to people giving up.

  • Compared devices: Identified platform-specific issues impacting user experience.

  • Analyzed user feedback: Gathered insights into user preferences and frustrations.

By addressing these aspects, the team aimed to gain a complete understanding of the factors driving booking abandonment and identify actionable strategies to optimize the user experience and increase conversion rates.

Data & Methodology

To comprehensively analyze the user booking journey and conversion rates, the Omio team utilized various data sources. These sources provided quantitative and qualitative insights, ensuring a thorough understanding of user behavior and the factors influencing booking abandonment.

  • User Behavior Data

Tracking Interactions (clicks, page views, etc.)
Session Data (sequences of actions taken by users)

  • Transaction Data

Completed Bookings (travel dates, destinations, etc.)
Abandoned Bookings (where users dropped out and why)

  • User Feedback

Surveys (qualitative insights into user experiences)
Reviews (direct feedback on booking experience)

  • Technical Performance Data

Load Times (website performance)
Error Logs (technical issues encountered by users)

Omio also used various analytics tools to analyze this data, including:

  • Google Analytics (tracks and analyzes user behavior)

  • Mixpanel (detailed behavioral analytics)

  • SQL Databases (store and analyze transaction and session data)

  • Python and R (programming languages for advanced data analysis)

  • Survey Tools (e.g., SurveyMonkey)

  • Heatmaps and Session Recording Tools (visualize user interactions)

Finally, Omio used a structured methodology to analyze the data and identify areas for improvement. This methodology included:

  • Funnel Analysis (identify drop-off points in the booking process)

  • User Segmentation (analyze behavior patterns by user group)

  • Behavioral Analysis (understand common behaviors leading to abandonment)

  • Statistical Analysis (identify factors influencing abandonment)

  • A/B Testing (evaluate the impact of design and content variations)

  • Qualitative Feedback Analysis (understand user feedback and pain points)

By leveraging these data sources and analytical tools, the Omio team was able to understand the factors influencing booking abandonment and develop targeted strategies to optimize the user experience and increase conversion rates.

Key Findings

Omio analyzed user data to understand why travelers abandoned bookings. Here are the top findings:

  • Complex Checkout: Long forms, limited payment options, and security worries led to drop-off. Omio streamlined the process with fewer fields, more options, and security assurances.

  • Price Sensitivity: Even small price hikes cause users to leave. Omio introduced price prediction and guarantees to build trust and reduce price-related abandonment.

  • Decision Overload: Too many choices overwhelmed users. Omio improved filtering, offered personalized recommendations, and reduced abandonment by 12%.

  • Mobile Issues: Slow loading, small screens, and confusing navigation led to mobile abandonment. Omio optimized the mobile app for speed, navigation, and UI/UX, reducing abandonment by 15%.

  • New User Challenges: First-time users converted less. Omio created guided tours and trust-building messages for new users, increasing their conversion rates by 10%.

  • Hidden Pain Points: User feedback revealed unclear errors, hidden fees, and difficulty finding support. Omio addressed these with better error messages, easier access to support, and transparent pricing, all reducing abandonment and improving satisfaction.

  • Time Crunch: Users preferred faster journeys. Omio highlighted quicker options and offered alternative suggestions for complex trips, helping users decide faster and reducing abandonment.

  • Performance Matters: Slow-loading pages, especially on mobile, hurt conversions. Omio optimized performance to improve user experience and reduce technical abandonment.

  • Security Concerns: Users are worried about payment security and data privacy. Omio increased trust by highlighting security features and clearly communicating data privacy policies.

  • Testing Pays Off: A/B testing showed simpler layouts with fewer distractions led to higher conversions. Omio implemented these best practices to improve the overall booking experience and increase conversions.

By tackling these issues, Omio significantly reduced booking abandonment and improved user experience.


Omio's data analysis revealed key areas to improve the booking journey. Here's how they addressed them:

  • 10% Increase in Completed Bookings

Streamlined payment forms
Offered diverse payment options
Emphasized security features

  • 5% Conversion Rate Improvement

Implemented price prediction tools
Provided limited-time price guarantees
Ensured transparent fee disclosure

  • 12% Conversion Rate Boost

Introduced advanced filtering options
Offered personalized travel recommendations
Simplified search result presentation

  • 15% Reduction in Mobile Abandonment

Enhanced mobile app and site performance
Redesigned interface for user-friendliness
Enabled offline access to itineraries

  • 10% Increase in First-Time User Conversions

Provided interactive guided tours
Displayed welcome messages and tips
Showcased user testimonials and reviews

  • Improved Overall User Satisfaction

Upgraded servers for faster response times
Optimized code for efficiency
Implemented real-time error monitoring

  • Reduced Payment Abandonment

Displayed prominent security indicators
Communicated clear data privacy policies

  • Improved Conversion Rates

Conducted A/B testing of design elements
Implemented best-performing, user-friendly designs

Omio's data-driven approach transformed the booking experience, leading to significant increases in conversions and user satisfaction. This highlights the importance of understanding user behavior and continuously optimizing the platform for a seamless travel booking journey.


By understanding different user types and their needs, Omio implemented targeted solutions like onboarding experiences for new users and personalized recommendations. The result? A significant decrease in booking abandonment and a more user-friendly travel booking experience. With a focus on continuous improvement and user feedback, Omio is well-positioned to be a leading travel booking platform.

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Perfection has to do with the end product, but excellence has to do with the process.

Jerry Moran


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