30,000+ Leads From One Marketing Campaign

How did Hubspot Marketing Hub manage to do it?

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Hey there,

I have a task for you today. Do not worry - it is as simple as googling the stuff. Open Google, type any digital marketing term in the search bar and hit the enter button. Do it over and over for several times.

Although the search results may vary, one common name or blog site you will see each time you search for some digital marketing concept is blog.hubspot.com.

While HubSpot used the blog to educate its funnels, its growth has been exponential in the last few years. It has become a massive SaaS brand that even Google wants to buy HubSpot today.

Out of all, what makes HubSpot so fascinating is one of its marketing campaigns. So, what is this campaign, and how did HubSpot get 30,000+ new leads from one single campaign?

Let's see

Top Key Takeaways for PMs

  • Adopt Integration: Ensure your product seamlessly integrates with other tools to provide a cohesive user experience.

  • Prioritize User-Friendliness: Design with simplicity and intuitiveness to make your product accessible to users of all skill levels.

  • Leverage Data-Driven Insights: Use analytics and reporting to understand user behaviour and refine your product strategy.

  • Invest in Educational Resources: Provide comprehensive learning materials to help users maximize the value of your product.

  • Foster Community Engagement: Build a supportive user community to share best practices and enhance product loyalty.

Product - Hubspot Marketing Hub

Source: Gartner

HubSpot Marketing Hub is a vast inbound marketing software designed to help businesses attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. It offers many tools and functionalities that simplify and improve several aspects of digital marketing.

Some of its features and tools are Email Marketing, Social Media Management, SEO Optimization, Content Management System (CMS), Landing Pages, Analytics and Reporting, and Lead Management.

Target Market

HubSpot Marketing Hub has features that fit into all sizes of businesses, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) to large corporations across various industries. Its user-friendly interface and scalable features make it accessible to marketing newbies and seasoned professionals.

Here’s a detailed look at its primary target markets:

  1. Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs)

  • Needs: SMBs often require affordable, easy-to-use marketing solutions to help them grow without the need for vast technical knowledge or large marketing teams.

  • Challenges: Limited budgets, lack of specialized marketing staff, and the need for measurable ROI.

  • How HubSpot Helps: HubSpot Marketing Hub offers cost-effective plans that provide all essential marketing tools in one place. The analytics and reporting features help SMBs track their marketing performance and optimize their strategies.

  1. Large Enterprises

  • Needs: Large enterprises require robust, scalable marketing solutions to handle complex campaigns across multiple channels and geographies.

  • Challenges: A large volume of marketing activities to manage, ensure brand consistency and integrate with other systems.

  • How HubSpot Helps: HubSpot Marketing Hub provides advanced features and integrations that cater to the needs of large marketing teams. Advanced analytics and reporting provide deep insights into campaign performance, helping them refine their strategies.

Industry-Specific Applications

  • E-commerce: E-commerce businesses can use HubSpot to drive traffic to their online stores, manage customer relationships, and track sales conversions. various e-commerce platform integration makes it a valuable tool for this sector.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare providers can use HubSpot to educate patients, manage appointments, and maintain communication through automated email campaigns.

  • Education: Educational institutions can leverage HubSpot for student recruitment, engagement, and retention through targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication.


The unique value proposition (UVP) of HubSpot Marketing Hub centres on providing an all-in-one, user-friendly marketing solution that integrates various marketing functions into a single platform. This approach stops the need for multiple disparate tools, helping businesses reduce cost and complexity.

Several things come into play in its UVP, including:

- Comprehensive Integration: All-in-one platform and CRM integration
- Ease of Use: User-friendly interface and drag-and-drop editors
- Scalability: Growth-friendly plans and advanced features for enterprises
- Educational Resources: HubSpot Academy
- Support: Customer Support

Marketing Positioning Strategy

HubSpot Marketing Hub follows a multi-faceted marketing positioning strategy to differentiate itself in the competitive digital marketing software landscape. The key elements of this strategy include:

  1. Inbound Marketing Philosophy

Source: HubSpot

  • Thought Leadership: HubSpot is a pioneer of the inbound marketing methodology, focusing on attracting customers through valuable content and experiences rather than pushy advertising.

  • Educational Content: HubSpot delivers a wealth of content, like blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and ebooks, which educate the market on the benefits of inbound marketing and how to implement it effectively.

  1. Targeted Campaigns and Personalization

Source: HubSpot

  • Segmentation and Personalization: HubSpot uses its own tools to segment its audience and deliver personalized marketing messages.

  • Customer Personas: HubSpot creates detailed customer personas and tailors its marketing efforts to address the unique challenges and goals of these personas, ensuring that their messaging resonates with different segments of their target market.

  1. Community and Ecosystem

Source: HubSpot

  • User Community: HubSpot has built a strong community of users who share best practices and success stories and support each other.

  • Partner Ecosystem: HubSpot has developed a partner ecosystem, including agencies, consultants, and technology partners. This ecosystem expands HubSpot's reach and provides customers with additional resources.

  1. Transparency and Trust

Source: Webdew

  • Transparent Pricing: HubSpot is known for its transparent pricing model, which allows potential customers to understand the cost of the platform upfront.

  • Customer Success Stories: HubSpot frequently shares detailed case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers. These success stories provide social proof.

Campaign: Social Media Launch

The primary objective of the social media launch campaign for HubSpot Marketing Hub was to increase brand awareness, showcase the product’s capabilities, and generate new leads.

The campaign aimed to show how social media management and analytics features from the hub can simplify and improve marketing efforts by businesses of all stages. To achieve it, the HubSpot team initially:

- Identified who their target audience is.
- Outlined messaging and value proportion

While the campaign components included:

- Sponsored posts
- A series of blog posts
- Short and engaging videos
- Visually appealing infographics
- Collaboration with influencers
- Social media advertisements
- Webinars and live demos
- Lead Nurturing Campaigns


Source: HubSpot

  1. Pre-Launch Phase

  • Teasers and Countdown: Built anticipation with teaser posts and countdowns on social media platforms, hinting at an announcement and encouraging followers to stay tuned.

  • Influencer Teasers: Influencers shared sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content, creating buzz around the upcoming launch.

  1. Launch Day

  • Official Announcement: Released the official announcement across all social media channels, highlighting the key features and benefits of HubSpot Marketing Hub’s social media management tools.

  • Live Launch Event: Hosted a live event on LinkedIn and Facebook where HubSpot executives and product experts discussed the platform’s capabilities and answered questions from the audience.

  1. Post-Launch Phase

  • Ongoing Engagement: Continued to post educational content, user testimonials, and interactive polls to maintain engagement and drive traffic to the landing page.

  • Retargeting Ads: Used retargeting ads to reach users who visited the landing page but did not convert, offering them special discounts and incentives to try the platform.


The social media launch campaign for HubSpot Marketing Hub yielded impressive results, as evidenced by the following metrics:

  • The campaign reached over 1.2 million people across Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, significantly increasing brand visibility.

  • It generated 3 million+ impressions, raising awareness and interest in the HubSpot Marketing Hub.

  • It achieved an average engagement rate of 7%, with many likes, shares, comments, and clicks on social media posts and ads.

  • Over 5,000 participants attended the webinars, with a high retention rate throughout the sessions.

  • It got over 30,000 new leads during the campaign period, representing a 50% increase compared to previous months.

  • Saw a 20% increase in free trial sign-ups, driven by targeted advertising and personalized follow-up emails.

  • The campaign resulted in a 12% increase in paid subscriptions, demonstrating the effectiveness of the social media launch in driving conversions.


The social media launch campaign for HubSpot Marketing Hub effectively leveraged a combination of content creation, influencer partnerships, targeted ads, webinars, and email marketing to achieve its objectives.

The detailed planning, execution, and follow-up ensured sustained engagement and conversions, showing the platform’s capabilities and driving significant business growth. HubSpot shows the power of an integrated, multi-channel approach to product marketing in the digital age.

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